Cutting a Youkan/297×201mm/Mineral pigments on Intaglio
Cutting a Youkan/297×201mm/Mineral pigments on Intaglio
空白 embracing / 210×297mm/ Intaglio
空白 embracing / 210×297mm/ Intaglio
Cross-section of fish / 200×100mm / Intaglio
Cross-section of fish / 200×100mm / Intaglio
Dancing twins / 300×300mm / Mineral pigments on paper
Dancing twins / 300×300mm / Mineral pigments on paper
Fish eater / 410×318mm / Mineral pigments on paper
Fish eater / 410×318mm / Mineral pigments on paper
A vague story 雲を掴むような話 / 210×297mm / Intaglio
A vague story 雲を掴むような話 / 210×297mm / Intaglio
Float/500×650mm/Mineral pigments on paper
Float/500×650mm/Mineral pigments on paper
Water/each 120×90mm/Mineral pigments on Intaglio
Water/each 120×90mm/Mineral pigments on Intaglio
Taste of rain 雨の味/500×650mm/Mineral pigments on paper
Taste of rain 雨の味/500×650mm/Mineral pigments on paper
Dream on leafs / book size / Lithography on booklet
Dream on leafs / book size / Lithography on booklet
A cage 籠 /297×210mm/Mineral pigments on Intaglio
A cage 籠 /297×210mm/Mineral pigments on Intaglio
Cross-section of fish / 200×500mm /Gold leaf on Intaglio
Cross-section of fish / 200×500mm /Gold leaf on Intaglio
A mermaid tail/297×210mm/Mineral pigments on Intaglio
A mermaid tail/297×210mm/Mineral pigments on Intaglio
I feed you cherry/90×120mm/Mineral pigments on Intaglio
I feed you cherry/90×120mm/Mineral pigments on Intaglio
A girl/90×120mm/Intaglio
A girl/90×120mm/Intaglio
You / 90X120mm/Intaglio
You / 90X120mm/Intaglio
たたずむあの人 She who stand still /273X190mm/Mineral pigments on paper
たたずむあの人 She who stand still /273X190mm/Mineral pigments on paper
Dream(夢)/500×550mm/Copper leaf on lithography
Dream(夢)/500×550mm/Copper leaf on lithography
おいで Come here /1167×950mm/ Mineral pigments on paper
おいで Come here /1167×950mm/ Mineral pigments on paper
A caged elephant / 700×1000mm/ Color on paper
A caged elephant / 700×1000mm/ Color on paper
雨雲の模型 A Model of rain cloud/90×120mm/ Gold leaf and mineral pigments on paper
雨雲の模型 A Model of rain cloud/90×120mm/ Gold leaf and mineral pigments on paper
庭 A garden / 180×160mm/ Mineral pigments on paper
庭 A garden / 180×160mm/ Mineral pigments on paper
A summer resort /each 68×73mm / Gold leaf, Mineral pigments on Intaglio
A summer resort /each 68×73mm / Gold leaf, Mineral pigments on Intaglio
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